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This pond snails mix includes:

5 wandering pond snails ( radix balthica )

5 flat ramshorn snails ( planorbis planorbis )

5 faucet snails ( bithyinia tenticulata )

5 tadpoles snails ( physa acuta )

Each snail has its own benefits in adding them to your pond or aquarium. As cleaners, all eat algae detritus, fish waste, dead plants and fish (they won't eat live plants). Some like the faucet snail also filter organic particles from the water including algae and bactiria and can help control green or murky water. For more info on each species see my individual listings for each species.

mixed pond snails ( 4 smaller species)

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  • This mix of snails is an excellent way to establish a breeding population in your ecosystem. All are easy to breed and don't need any special care to do so , tadpole snails ,wandering snails and flat ramshorns are hermaphrodites and will readily breed and lay eggs in your pond creating a self sustaining population quite quickly , faucet snails are strange amoung trapdoor snails (snails with a operculum) in that it they lay eggs as opposed to being live bearers.

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